Sadie Raborn

My name is Sadie Raborn. I’m currently a freshman at the University of Kansas and I am majoring in Elementary Education. My plan is to teach 3rd through 4th graders

My name is Sadie Raborn. A little about me. I am from Holton, Kansas and went to a very small school. I am the youngest of three girls. I live with my sister at an off-campus apartment. I am a CNA and enjoy assisting people with daily lives. I chose to major in elementary education, because it has always interested me. Don’t get me wrong, getting paychecks will be quite disappointing. I do have a husky that lives with me and she is kinda unique she has one blue eye and one green eye.

I like to play a game called two truths and a lie to get to know people better. You will say three things two are true and one is false. It is a good ice breaker game to get to know people. My three things are I have three tattoos, I am a natural blonde, and I grew up on a farm… My lie was that I actually have four tattoos. I know I showed the picture above as a brunette but I am actually a natural blonde. Yes, I did grow up on a farm in a small town in Kansas called Holton. We didn’t have many animals but we have goats, horses, and chickens. No cows.

2 truths and 1 lie

Truths lie
3 tattoos *
I am a natural blonde
I grew up on a farm

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